Agile designs makes and delivers
safe, civil and low-carbon affordable homes for people in housing need
We need a new housing model that provides places for people to live, whatever their household income. Our response to this need is an Agile home – an affordable, rapid-response housing solution that respects you and the planet.
The Challenge
An affordable home has become the oxymoron of our time. The commercial housing model is a machine designed to make money, not affordable homes. To ask it to do so is laudable, but ultimately will yield little in return. The UK housing minister is right to call our housing model ‘broken’, but tweaking it, will not fix it.
Perhaps it’s time to build a new model, where properly affordable homes are the return on investment.
At Agile, we developed a new way of delivering homes. We put people and community at the heart of everything we do. We help unlock land, that’s free and hidden in plain sight. We get finance to flow in new and innovative ways. We build using natural and renewable materials that are safe, warm and reduce energy requirements to a minimum.
Our homes are super-insulated, triple-glazed, airtight and naturally low-Carbon. We use the latest in Modern Methods of Construction that are socially impactful as well as lower cost. The only way forward is to engineer a radically new way of building homes and communities. At Agile we have already done this and do it every day.
We think small is beautiful, and we are scaling fast. Agile will build 400 new homes over the next 2 years, 90% of which will be socially, or Local Housing Allowance rented. We didn’t achieve this by accepting the broken housing paradigm, instead, we built a new one.
Our Partners, Investors and Associates
Agile Build Systems
Agile Build Systems is one of the first products to make large-scale, carbon-negative building a commercial reality. The Agile Build Systems utilises the excellent thermal insulation qualities of straw and timber to form prefabricated panels, made in either a local Agile Factory or regionally located fabrication units
Agile Build Systems make Net Zero and Carbon Positive building a commercial reality.
Agile Build Systems are made using biogenic, naturally renewable materials, that combine to deliver super-insulated, airtight construction that minimise energy consumption. Your Agile Home is warm in winter, cool in summer, condensation free and banishes fuel poverty to the history books.
Agile Build Systems are BOPAS certified and meet the Future Homes 2025 Standard today. We can also deliver on the demanding PassivHaus specification saving money and CO2 emissions.
An Agile home is made using renewable, locally sourced, carbon sequestering, sustainable building materials – straw and timber.
We build with carbon!
Agile Build Systems can also be used to deliver offices, schools and commercial buildings as well as housing.
This innovative, offsite-manufactured approach means that we can quickly and efficiently deliver homes faster and to a much higher quality than conventional construction.
“One of the best things about living in the Agile house is the constant indoor temperature. It's now October I haven't had the central heating on since late April. I've got a little indoor weather station that tells me the temperature, and every morning I look at it is always around 20 ° c! When friends visit they are so jealous that I haven't had to turn my heating on yet. For our old leaky Victorian terrace house gas bills used to be about £1000 a year now. Now they will be about £200. So Agile is good for your pocket and for the global environment too! ”