Agile Property

Our Solutions


Because our work is person centred, al lot of clients are in the care and supported living sector.

Our Vision. To construct an accessible and inclusive property sector that places people, purpose and profit in the same strategy and gives real meaning to community, place-making and sustainability.

Our Mission and Values. We are evolving the housing sector by (1) increasing the supply of wheelchair accessible homes (2) making it easier for wheelchair users to find suitable properties, and (3) changing the narrative around accessibility, so that mainstream property understands and embraces its relevance & benefits.

We bring solution-led approaches to accessibility in housing to add value to clients’ commercial aims. 

We train professionals to leverage and add to what they already do well.

We collaborate with public, private and third sector partners, bringing funding, homes and tenants.

The UK has a chronic shortage of wheelchair accessible homes across all tenures. 1.8m English households contain a disabled person – a figure that masks how (and how many) family members are also impacted by the lack of suitable housing.

This impact is amplified for wheelchair users, over 400,000 of whom currently live in unsuitable housing. Research shows how few accessible homes we’re building and the barriers to accessing the Private Rented Sector. Using the Agile model enables us to tackle this head on, at scale, quickly, and make a positive impact.


Agile is working with a number of Community-led and Cohousing groups across the UK. Our experience includes the co-design of LILAC the innovative Low Impact Living Affordable Community Mutual Home Ownership Society in Leeds. Paul Chatterton, one of the cofounders of LILAC sits on Agile’s Advisory Group. 

Agile has considerable success and unlocking land on behalf of communities and cohousing groups and routinely secures grant support from Power to Change, the Nationwide Foundation and Homes England.


While our main focus is low-Carbon affordable homes, our Agile Build Systems can be used for any type of building. We have extensive experience of delivering schools and education centres. Our most recent is the Earth Lab at the Earth Trust. This innovative award-winning design combines the very best in sustainable design and prefabrication.

Our innovative build solutions also allow us to design, make and deliver classroom space, fast, affordably, and most crucially using asset finance. Working with a number of asset finance organisations, classrooms can be leased, reducing initial capital outlays to a more easily funded revenue model. (pics of Agile Education projects)


Agile has experience for designing offices, retail and commercial buildings using our unique build solution. Whether permanent or meanwhile our commercial modular building experts will partner closely with you to identify the modular floor plans and industrial building design that best suits your need. Our team is dedicated to listening because we understand that pre-defined space solutions do not solve every business’s expansion space, swing space, or new construction need.

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